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7 Golf Tips to Improve Your Game

Golfing has been a favorite pastime of millions of people since the 1920s, and it's no wonder why. On one hand, it's a personal sport that lets you try and beat your previous records.

Yet there's also a social aspect to golf. Playing allows you to be with family, friends, or complete strangers and have a good time.

But what are some things you can do to improve your golfing technique? Keep reading for 7 golf tips that'll help you get better.

1. Bigger Is Usually Better

Many new players believe that the equipment they use doesn't matter, as they aren't skilled enough for it to make a difference. This couldn't be farther from the truth. Although Tiger Woods may be able to use a spatula to play, you need to make sure you're using the proper clubs.

When you first get into golf, there's a good chance the clubs you use will be hand-me-downs from someone else. This makes sense, as you wouldn't want to waste money on an expensive set of clubs at this point. 

But the problem is that modern clubs are different from those built in the 1980s. The clubs of today have a larger surface area, making it easier to hit the ball far and where you want it. The clubs of the past are smaller and make the game harder.

Ditch the clubs your dad gave you, and invest in a set of moderately-priced modern clubs. You'll be amazed at how much your game improves!

2. If It Doesn't Work, Don't Use It 

Next time you're visiting a golf range, make an effort to try out different clubs. You should then hit a ball with each one, working your way from a driver to a lofted wedge.

After hitting each ball, use a notepad or your phone to keep track of how the shot panned out. Did it go straight, or veer out? Did it fly far into the distance?

Once you finish playing, check over your notes. Look for any golf clubs that gave you problems each time. Once you find them, make an effort to not use them again, or be aware of your previous experiences with them.

On the other hand, if you found a great club, use it! Your score will appreciate it.

3. Work on Your Grip

It's no surprise that how you hold your gold club has a huge impact on the success of the shot. It's the most important factor in determining whether or not the ball will fly straight. So how should you hold it?

Begin by placing your right hand at the top of the grip. Then, place your left hand against the grip from the side, wrapping your fingers around it in the process. You should feel like you're holding the club in your fingers. You should also feel the contact between your lower palms, fingers, and golf grips.  

4. Improve Your Stance

Like your grip, your stance can be the difference between a good game and a bad one. 

Take a grounded and athletic stance, with your spine, knees, and feet lined up on top of each other. Try to use your hips as opposed to bending at the waist, and let your buttocks stick out a little. 

When you're holding the golf club, you should feel pressure coming from the mid-point of your feet. You also need to make sure that your arms are hanging under your shoulders.

5. Find a Swing That Works for You

Although a proper swing is important, golfers love to debate which type of swing is most effective. Sometimes, this can lead to others giving you the advice you didn't ask for.

When golfing, you want your swing to become something simple, effective, and easy to do over and over. Don't worry too much about what it looks like. If it gets the job done and isn't hurting your body, what's the problem?

Don't let other people sharing their golf techniques impact the success of your own.

6. It's the Impact That Matters

Aside from paying attention to your swing, you also need to remember that the impact also makes a big difference. Each time you hit the ball, there are five factors that determine what the shot will look like. Those are:

  1. Your centeredness, where you strike the ball
  2. The angle, where your club is facing when you hit it
  3. The swing path, the path your club travels
  4. The impact angle
  5. The speed at which the clubhead moves

Most beginners make the mistake of not striking the center of the clubface. When you do hit the center, the number of poor shots you make will decrease. 

7. Know What You and Your Body Are Capable of 

One mistake that people make when playing any sport is comparing themselves to others. This is particularly true with golf.

Watching any professional golf game on TV can give you the impression that you should be hitting straight, long-distance shots each time. Yet everyone is different, and golfers train their entire lives to get to where they're at.

Understand your body, it's strengths and limitations, and play your best game based on that. This will also help you enjoy the sport as much as possible.

Follow These Golf Tips to up Your Game

Whether you're a newbie player or an experienced veteran, following these golf tips can help take your skills to the next level.

If you're in Orlando, stop by Falcon's Fire Golf Club for a game you won't forget. Our golf courses stretch over 7,000 yards, and when you're done playing, you can enjoy a delicious meal at Falcon's Nest Restaurant.

Contact us today for more information, or to schedule lessons for you or your family.
