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Swing Science: What Makes a Good Golf Swing?

Getting the perfect golf swing down takes years of practice. It comes easier for some players than others, but everyone needs a good foundation to get their swing just right.

A good golf swing can be broken down into three parts: the setup, the backswing, and the finish. Keep reading to find out a little more about each stage of the swing and how you can improve your game.


1. The Setup

The setup of your swing is arguably the most important part. You need to have a good (but not tight) grip and the proper lower body stance for your swing to be as powerful as possible.

Make sure your hands are in the right position to control the club in a way that feels relaxed and natural. Then, set up your whole swing by standing with your feet together and bringing your hands out in front of you at waist hight.

At this point, let the club head rest on the ground and bring your feet hip-distance apart. Bend your knees and distribute your weight evenly between both legs, focusing on the ball of the feet.

2. The Backswing

Once you feel like you're in a good starting position, you can work on your backswing. This is what gives you momentum to bring the club forward and create a powerful swing.

The most important part of the backswing is getting an L-shape between your left arm (for right-handed players) and the club. This allows you to create a straight line from the top of your backswing to the ball on the ground and finish clean.

3. The Finish

The final aspect of a good golf swing is the finish. You have to know how to follow through on the setup you've created to get the results you're looking for.

The strength of your finish depends on the quality of your downswing. The downswing begins by shifting your weight to the left at the same time as your hands are following the line created by the backswing back to the ball.

Once impact is made you need to follow through with your hips and then your shoulders so that your whole body is facing forward toward the target. As your hips and shoulders rotate your hands should guide the club up and over your head until your hands rest on your left shoulder and your right heel is up.

Keep in mind that you want to be as fluid as possible. You should be relaxed and remember to commit to the entire motion from backswing to downswing to finish.

Don't stop your swing once you've made contact with the ball and don't rely on your upper body to do all the work, either. Put your lower body into it and be mindful of your back to create a great swing and keep yourself safe.

Make Your Good Golf Swing Even Better

It's one thing to read about what makes a good golf swing and another to get the best golf swing you possibly can. Don't be discouraged if it doesn't come easily. You're going to need to work on your game consistently until you get the swing you're looking for.

For more insights on basic golf skills and training tips, check back often to read our Falcon's Fire Golf Blog.
